About Dr. Supriyo Ghatak, Senior Consultant in Liver Transplant, HPB & GI Onco Surgeon.

Dr Ghatak is an HPB and GI Onco-Surgeon practising in Kolkata since 2008.

Dr Ghatak has done his MBBS from Nilratan Sircar Medical College, Kolkata. He did his postgraduation from PGIMER, Chandigarh and then his MCh in GI Surgery from AIIMS. He is trained in HPB Surgery and Liver Transplant at King’s College Hospital, London and has also served as an Associate Professor of Surgical Gastroenterology at SDLD, IPGMER.

Apart from clinical work he is involved in postgraduate and superspeciality teaching and research.

Dr Ghatak is an avid birder, loves to do photography, enjoys music, books and spends leisure time with family.


  • A novel hotspot and rare somatic mutation p.A138V, at TP53 is associated with poor survival of pancreatic ductal and periampullary adenocarcinoma patients.
    Molecular Medicine. 2020.26(1)
  • Drain in laparoscopic cholecystectomy in acute calculous cholecystitis: a randomised controlled study
    Postgraduate Medical Journal Published Online First: 23 December 2019. doi: 10.1136/postgradmedj-2019-136828
  • A Case of Duodenal Perforation due to Ingested Neem Twigs Mimicking Acalculous Cholecystitis. S Roy, A Kar, S Gulati, S Ghatak. International journal of contemporary medical research. 2019: 6;
  • Thoracoscopic enucleation of esophageal schwannoma. Sudheer M Mohammed, Sumit Gulati, Abhimanyu Kar, R V Mithun, Manish Chhabra, Manoj Agarwal, Abhik Bhattacharyya, Tirthankar Dhar, Supriyo Ghatak. Surgical Chronicles. 2018: 23; 177
  • Surgical Management of Cystic Duct Stump Stone or Gall Bladder Remnant Stone. A Kar, S Gulati, S Mohammed, MV Valappil, BB Sarala, S Ghatak, A Bhattacharyya. Indian journal of Surgery. 2018
  • Groove Pancreatitis: Report of Three Cases with Brief Review of Literature. Sukanta Ray, Supriyo Ghatak, Debashis Misra, Jayanta Dasgupta, Jayanta Biswas, Sujan Khamrui, Debottam Bandyopadhyay, Ranajoy Ghosh. Indian journal of surgery. 2017
    Groove Pancreatitis: Report of Three Cases with Brief Review of Literature
  • Routine endoscopic ultrasound in moderate and indeterminate risk patients of suspected choledocholithiasis to avoid unwarranted ERCP: A prospective randomised blinded study.
    Ghatak S, Gulati S. Indian journal of gastroenterology. 2016; 35: 396
  • An unsolved case of gastric outlet obstruction. BS Bhaviya, S Mohammed, A Bhattacharyya, S Gulati, S Ghatak. Surgical Chronicles 21(1) • January 2016
  • Somatic mutational profile of 412 cancer targeted genes of pancreatic ductal and periampullary adenocarcinoma in Indian patient population. G. Saha, R. Singh, U. Chakravartti, D. Anchlia, S. Ghatak, S. Gulati, S. Ghosh, B. Roy, N. Sikdar. European journal of cancer. 2016 ;54:S1-S72.(Abstract).
  • Incidental detection of Bombay blood group phenotype in a patient undergoing Whipple’s pancreatoduodenectomy for chronic calcific pancreatitis with pancreatic cancer.S. Ghatak , P. Bhattacharya , S. Mohammed , S. Gulati . Surgicle Chronicles. 2015; 20 (4): 178
  • Frey procedure for chronic pancreatitis in children: A single center experience.
    Ray S, Sanyal S, Ghatak S, Khamrui S, Biswas J, Saha S, Mandal TS, Chattopadhyay G. J Pediatr Surg.
    2015 Nov;50(11):1850-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2015.07.012. Epub 2015 Jul 26.PMID: 26297313
  • Falciform ligament flap for the protection of the gastroduodenal artery stump after pancreaticoduodenectomy: A single center experience.
    Ray S, Sanyal S, **Ghatak S**, Sonar PK, Das S, Khamrui S, Chattopadhyay G. J Visc Surg.
    2015 Oct 29. pii: S1878-7886(15)00135-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jviscsurg.2015.10.007. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 26526210
  • Gastrocele: a rare cause of pain abdomen after colonic bypass for corrosive
    stricture esophagus: Gastrocele: a rare cause of pain abdomen S Ghatak, S Gulati, M Agarwal Diseases of the Esophagus 04/2015; DOI:10.1111/dote.12366
  • Small Duct Chronic Pancreatitis: A Surgical Difficulty Somak Das, Pankaj Kumar Sonar, Supriyo Ghatak, Sukanta Ray,Sumit Sanyal Surgical Chronicles 02/2015; 19(4):200-201.
  • A Simple and Safe Technique of Creating Closed Pneumoperitoneum Amarendra Nath Roy, Supriyo Ghatak.
    Indian Journal of Surgery 08/2013; 75(4). DOI:10.1007/s12262-012-0550-4
  • Whipple’s Pancreatoduodenectomy for Periampullary Carcinoma in a HIV Positive Patient Supriyo Ghatak, Pankaj Kr Sonar, Somak Das, Avik Bhattacharyya.
    Indian Journal of Surgery 06/2013; 75(3). DOI:10.1007/s12262-012-0732-0
  • Surgical Management of Benign Biliary Stricture in Chronic Pancreatitis: A Single-Center Experience Sukanta Ray, Supriyo Ghatak, Khaunish Das, Jayanta Dasgupta,Sujay Ray, Sujan Khamrui, Pankaj Kumar Sonar, Somak Das.
    Indian Journal of Surgery 01/2013; DOI:10.1007/s12262-013-0940-2
  • Giant mucinous cystic neoplasms of pancreas and liver with unusual adipose tissue component: a case report.
    Supriyo Ghatak, Sukanta Ray, Pankaj Kr Sonar, Somak Das, Keya Basu, Asit Ranjan Mridha, Avik Bhattacharyya, Rajib Sarkar
    Journal of gastrointestinal oncology 12/2012; 3(4):353-7. DOI:10.3978/j.issn.2078-6891.2012.010
  • Developing a transplant program: The beginning of liver transplant activity in eastern India.
    Abhijit Chowdhury, Subash Gupta, Supriyo Ghatak, Neerav Goyal,Sukanta Ray, Ramdip Ray, Kausik Das, Jyotirmay Kirtania, Tapas Ghose
    07/2011; 5(2):114–115. DOI:10.1016/S2212-0017(11)60084-1
  • Gastric volvulus with diaphragmatic hernia presenting with unexplained weight loss: a delayed diagnosis.
    S Ghatak in Singapore medical journal 01/2011; 52(1):e4-6.
  • An Unusual Cause of Acute Abdomen in Adults: Giant Cystic Lymphangioma of the Pancreatic Head. A Clinical Case and Literature Review
    Supriyo Ghatak, Sukanta Ray, Sumit Sanyal, Pankaj Kr Sonar,Sujan Khamrui, Keya Basu, Sujay Ray, Kshaunish Das
    JOP: Journal of the pancreas 01/2011; 12(3):266-70.
  • Obscure GI bleeding in the tropics: impact of introduction of double-balloon and capsule endoscopies on outcome.
    Kshaunish Das, Rajib Sarkar, Jayanta Dasgupta, Sukanta Ray, Supriyo Ghatak, Kausik Das, Asit R Mridha, Gopal K Dhali, A Chowdhury
    Gastrointestinal endoscopy 08/2010; 72(2):292-300. DOI:10.1016/j.gie.2010.02.024
  • Type IV A choledochal cyst with cystic duct cyst
    Supriyo Ghatak
    HPB 05/2010; 12(4):285. DOI:10.1111/j.1477-2574.2010.00167.x
  • Laparoscopic resection of a large adrenal myelolipoma: a case report
    Supriyo Ghatak, Asit Ranjan Mridha
    Cases Journal 12/2009; 2:9313. DOI:10.1186/1757-1626-2-9313
  • Prevalence of thrombophilia amongst living related liver donors- A UK Perspective. P. T. Cherian, Supriyo Ghatak, Robert P. Sutcliffe, Roopen Arya, Nigel Heaton, Mohamed Rela; Hepatology, October, 2009.
  • Splenectomy and proximal lieno-renal shunt in a factor five deficient patient with extra-hepatic portal vein obstruction
    Srinivas Prabhu Chava, Sujoy Pal, Supriyo Ghatak, Rajat Kumar,Peush Sahni, Tushar Kanti Chattopadhyay
    BMC Surgery 02/2006; 6(1):7. DOI:10.1186/1471-2482-6-7

Books & Chapters

1. Surgical anatomy of the liver. Supriyo Ghatak, Anshuman ray. Textbook of surgical gastroenterology. (Ed) P K Mishra, 2016. Jaypee

2. Enterocutaneous fistula. GI Surgery Annual, (Ed) T K Chattopadhyay. 2013


    • Role of drain in laparoscopic cholecystectomy in patients with acute calculous cholecystitis: a randomised controlled study. Presented at the annual conference of IHPBA, Jaipur. 2019.
    • A randomized controlled study on early recovery following modified epigastric port versus standard four port laparoscopic cholecystectomy, presented at the annual conference of Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology, Puducherry, 2017
    • Surgical management of cystic duct stump stone or gall bladder remnant stone. 11th International Congress of Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India, 2016
    • Prevalence of thrombophilia amongst living related liver donors- A UK Perspective. Institute of Liver Studies, Kings College Hospital, London, United Kingdom. American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, 2009
    • Short-term results of Frey Procedure in Chronic Pancreatitis in a tertiary care referral hospital of Eastern India. Presented at the annual conference of Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterolgy, Mumbai, 2009
    • Assessment of delayed gastric emptying following Classical as well as pylorus preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy: solid state scintigrafic scan or clinical criteria or both? Presented in American Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association,s annual meeting, 2008
    • Comparison of gastric emptying in classical Whipple’s and pylorus-preserving pancreatoduodenectomies using clinical criteria and radionuclide gastric emptying scan, presented at the annual conference of Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterolgy, New Delhi, 2007
    • The role of MR spectroscopy in diagnosis of diffuse axonal injury in head injury patients, presented in the Radiological Society of North America’s annual conference in 2004 (session: neuroradiology/ head and neck, Brain trauma).

